What is CBD Oil and can it be Addictive?

Cannabidiol or CBD is one of the hundreds of cannabinoids that are extracted from the hemp plant. The discussion about CBD is slightly divided as more studies need to be made regarding what effects the substance actually has. Right now, research is being done on the subject where it has so far been found that CBD only has an effect on certain specific medical conditions, but can be positive for your overall health and well-being.

CBD and its effects

The topic of CBD’s possible medical effects is currently being researched extensively, and there are a plethora of published scientific articles on the substance. Because the studies are difficult to interpret and should be interpreted in different ways, it makes the whole question more difficult to give straight answers.

Is CBD oil addictive?

High-quality CBD oil is not considered addictive according to the WHO (World Health Organization). However, there are considered to be possible side effects when dosing over 1000mg per day. For example, dry mouth, headache, nausea, diarrhea, and fatigue. However, CBD has no effect on the brain in the form of dopamine changes, which means that the substance is not intoxicating and is not addictive either. This is of course only for CBD oil without THC, which is psychoactive in Cannabis.

CBD and THC – what’s the difference?

Unlike CBD, the more well-known substance THC is psychoactive and thus has an effect on the brain. This causes the substance to create an intoxication and is thus also addictive. Because of this, the anti-doping organization WADO has chosen to remove cannabidiol from its list of banned substances while cannabis and THC are still on the list. As a result of the de-dramatized view of CBD, the substance is now increasingly found in the form of, among other things, CBD oil and cosmetics.

THC is the main compound of Cannabis Sativa and is best known for the effects that the substance has on the brain. THC affects specific regions of the brain and causes a so-called intoxication, a euphoric feeling that affects the way people think and feel for the moment. The amount of these two substances is also what makes the difference between marijuana and hemp. The marijuana plant is naturally rich in THC with a low content of CBD while hemp is rich in CBD and low in THC.

CBD oil

CBD oil is increasingly used by humans and is also increasingly visible on social media. According to several witnesses and users, the oil has a calming effect, helps with sleep problems, and relieves pain. When it comes to skincare, home therapists and consumers believe that the oil has a soothing and healing properties on the skin. Above all, it is suitable for more mature skin because CBD oil has “anti-aging” effects. However, the fact-based truth of these claims can not really be ascertained because the scientific measurements can not prove these to 100%. At least not yet.

CBD is available in many different product forms, from oils to ointments. You can even use a CBD stick for easy and simple application.


More research is still needed on the subject of whether CBD oils have healing, auxiliary or adverse effects on humans. So far, it is not really possible to answer that question except that CBD oils do not have any addictive properties like THC. It is worth mentioning, however, that CBD oils are now widely used by dermatologists and consumers who testify to positive effects.

By cannabunga

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